JV Ancheta

Founder and CEO of Digital Entrepinoy. JV writes books & ebooks which, considering where you’re reading this, makes perfect sense. He’s best known for writing internet marketing related book, including the New York Times bestseller Digital Networker, which won an Award. He also writes self-help related books & ebooks, on subjects ranging from personal finance to mindsetting & trasformation. He enjoys rock music, as should all crazy thinking people. You can get to his blog by typing the word “Whatever” into Google. No, seriously, try it.

Branding for Facebook Ads

Are you one of those entrepreneurs who is focusing on branding their business or company? If your answer is “yes”, you may want to link your Facebook ad to your Facebook page. What’s that? Don’t have one? Well. Let’s have a look at Facebook pages… and then you can tell me why not. Okay? A …

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