The Internet possesses enough gems to get the work done only if you know of it. Let’s take a ride at the best of tools and resources present on the Internet! Are you ready?
Business + Marketing
- HTML5 UP: Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 site templates.
- Bootswatch: Free themes for Bootstrap.
- Templated: A collection of 845 free CSS & HTML5 site templates.
- | Create your new website for free.
- Domain: One free website for domains.
- Withoomph: Beautiful logos designed instantly.
- Squarespace Free Logo: You can download free low-res version for free.
- Invoice to me: Free Invoice Generator.
- Free Invoice Generator: Alternative free invoice generator.
- Slimvoice: Insanely simple invoices.
- Intuit QuickBooks: Free Invoice Generator PDF Invoice Template.
- The Name App: Find an available name for your brilliant idea.
- Naminum: Discover a perfect company name.
- Short Domain Search: Find short, available single-word domain names.
- Wordoid: Pick a short and catchy name for your business.
- Hipster Business Name: Hipster business name generator.
- Lean Domain Search: Find a domain name for your website in seconds.
- Domainr: Fast, free, domain name search, short URLs.
- Hemingway: Hemingway App makes your writing bold and clear.
- Grammarly: Finds & corrects mistakes of your writing.
- Medium: Everyone’s stories and ideas.
- ZenPen: The minimal writing tool of web.
- Editorial Calendar: See all your posts, drag & drop to manage your blog.
- Story Wars: Writing stories together.
- Headline Analyzer: Emotional marketing value headline analyzer.
- WP Hide Post: Control the visibility of items on your blog.
- Social Locker: Ask visitors “to pay” for your content with a tweet, etc.
- Egg Timer: Set a time and bookmark it for repeated use.
- Portent: Content idea generator.
- Google Trends: A new way of displaying trending searches.
- Buzzsumo: Analyze what content performs best for any topic or competitor.
- Hubspot Blog Topic Generator: Custom blog ideas.
- Others: Google+ What’s Hot | Twitter Trending | Quora | Reddit
- Uber Suggest: A Comprehensive Free SEO Tool by Neil Patel
- Open Site Explorer: A comprehensive tool for link analysis.
- Ahrefs: Site explorer & backlink checker.
- WordPress SEO by Yoast: Have a fully optimized WordPress site.
- SEO Site Checkup: Check your website’s SEO problems for free.
- Hubspot Marketing Grader: Grade your marketing.
- SimilarWeb: Analyze website statistics for any domain.
- Alexa Ranking: Analytical insights to analyze any site’s rank.
- SERPs Rank Checker: Free keyword rank & SERP checker.
- OpenLinkProfiler: The freshest backlinks, for free.
- Free alternative to Google Keyword Planner.
- Google: Analytics | Keyword Planner | Webmaster Tools | Trends
- Nibbler: Test any website.
- Browseo: How search engines see your website.
- Broken Links: Find broken links, redirects & more.
- Copyscape: Search for copies of your page on the web.
- Woorank: Website review and SEO tool.
- Google Pagespeed Insights: Check the performance of your site.
- Pingdom Website Speed Test: Test & the load time of a site.
- Experte: Buk Page speed Test.
- GTMetrics: Analyze your page’s speed performance.
- Moz Local: Check your local listings on Google, Bing, and others.
- XML Sitemaps: Sitemap generator that creates XML & HTML variants.
- W3C validator: Easy-to-use markup validation service.
- TinyJPG | TinyPNG Compress images.
- Optimize and compress your images online.
- Kraken: Optimize your images & accelerate your websites.
- ImageOptimizer: Resize, compress and optimize your image files.
- ImageOptim: Makes images take up less disk space & load faster.
- Image optimizer WordPress plugin.
- Canva: Amazingly simple graphic design for bloggers.
- Skitch: Get your point across with fewer words.
- Empowers anyone to create & share powerful visuals.
- Social Image Resizer Tool: Create optimized images for social media.
- Placeit: Free product mockups & templates.
- Meme Generator: The Amazing meme generator.
- Contact form 7: Famous WordPress plugin to collect email addresses.
- Mailchimp: Send 12,000 emails to 2,000 subscribers for free.
- Moosend: Send unlimited Emails to 1,000 subscribers for free.
- ManyContactsBar: Free contact form sits on top of your website.
- Hello Bar: Get more email subscribers.
- Sumome List Builder: Collect email addresses with light box popover.
- Scroll Triggered Box: Boost your conversion rates — Wordpress only.
- Sumome Scroll Box: Capture more email addresses, politely.
- Click To Tweet: Get more shares on your content.
- Later: Easily plan & schedule your Instagram posts.
- WordPress Pin it Button for Images: Add a “Pin It” button.
- SharedCount: Track URL shares, likes, tweets, and more.
- Crowdfire: Follow / unfollow people on Twitter & Instagram.
- SocialRank: Identify, organize, and manage your followers on Twitter.
- Ritetag App: Instant hashtag analysis (Both Google and Apple)
- Buffer Free Plan: Schedule posts to Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google+.
- Bitly: Create, share, and track shortened links.
- Addthis: Get more shares, follows and conversions.
- Sumome Share: Auto-optimizes your share buttons for max traffic.
- Digg Digg: Your all in one share buttons plugin.
- Disqus: Build a community of active readers & commenters.
- Google Forms: Free beautiful online survey & form builder.
- Petit Hacks: Acquisition, retention, & revenue hacks used by companies.
- Hello Bar: Tool for A/B testing different CTAs & power words.
- GrowthHackers: Unlocking growth. Together.
Design + Code
- Freebbble: High-quality design freebies from Dribbble.
- Dribbble: Dribbble search results for “freebie”. An absolute freebie treasure.
- Graphic Burger: Tasty design resources made with care for each pixel.
- Pixel Buddha: Free and premium resources for professional community.
- Premium Pixels: Free Stuff for Creative Folk.
- Fribbble: Free PSD resources by Dribbblers curated by Gilbert Pellegrom.
- Freebiesbug: Latest free PSDs & other resources for designers.
- 365 Psd: Download a free psd every day.
- Dbf: Dribbble & Behance best design freebies.
- Marvel: Free resources from designers we love.
- UI Space: High quality hand-crafted Freebies for awesome people.
- Free Section of Pixeden: Free design resources.
- Free Section of Creative Market: Freebies coming out every monday.
- Teehan+Lax: DiOS 8 GUI PSD (iPhone 6).
- Teehan+Lax: iPad GUI PSD.
- Freepik: iFree graphic resources for everyone.
- Tech&All: PSD, Tech News, and other resources for free.
- Tethr: The most beautiful IOS design KIT ever.
- Material Palette: Generate & export your Material Design color palette.
- New Flat UI Color Picker: Best flat colors for UI design.
- Flat UI Colors: Beautiful flat colors.
- Coolors: Super fast color schemes generator for cool designers.
- Skala Color: An extraordinary color picker for designers and developers.
- Couleurs: Simple app for grabbing & tweaking colors you see on screen.
- Material UI Colors: Material ui color palette for Android, Web & iOS.
- Colorful Gradients: Gradients automatically created by a computer.
- Adaptive Backgrounds: Extract dominant colours from images.
- Brand Colors: Colors used by famous brands.
- Paletton: The color scheme designer.
- 0 to 255: A simple tool that helps web designers find variations of any color.
- Colour Lovers: Create & share colors, palettes, and patterns.
- Adobe Color CC: Color combinations from the Kuler community.
- Bootflat: Perfect colors for flat designs.
- Hex Colorrrs: Hex to RGB converter.
- Get UI Colors: Get awesome UI colors.
- Colllor: Color palette generator.
- Palette for Chrome: Creates a color palette from any image.
- MaterialUp: Daily material design inspiration.
- FLTDSGN: Daily showcase of the best flat UI design websites and apps.
- Site Inspire: Web design inspiration.
- UI Cloud: The largest user interface design database in the world.
- Moodboard: Build a beautiful moodboard and share the result.
- Crayon: The most comprehensive collection of marketing designs.
- Land-Book: Product landing pages gallery.
- Dribbble: Show and tell for designers.
- Behance: Showcase & discover creative work.
- Pttrns: Mobile user interface patterns.
- Flat UI Design: Useful board I discovered thanks to Erik.
- Awwwards: The awards for design, creativity and innovation.
- The Starter Kit: Curated resources for developers and designers.
- One Page Love: Resource for one page website inspiration.
- The Best Designs: The best of web design.
- Niice: A search engine with taste.
- Stock Up: Best free stock photo websites in one place.
- Pexels: Best free photos in one place.
- All The Free Stock: Free stock images, icons, and videos.
- Unsplash: Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.
- Splashbase: Search & discover free, hi res photos & videos.
- Startup Stock Photos: Go. Make something.
- Jay Mantri: Free pics. do anything (CC0). Make magic.
- Moveast: This is a journey of a portuguese guy moving east.
- Travel Coffee Book: Sharing beautiful travel moments.
- Designers Pics: Free photographs for your personal & commercial use.
- Death to the Stock Photo: Free photos sent to you every month.
- Foodie’s Feed: Free food pictures in hi-res.
- Mazwai: Free creative commons HD video clips & footages.
- Jéshoots: New modern free photos.
- Super Famous: Photos by Dutch interaction designer Folkert Gorter.
- Picography: Free hi-resolution photos.
- Pixabay: Free high quality images.
- Magdeleine: A free high-resolution photo every day.
- Little Visuals: 7 hi-res images in your inbox every 7 days.
- Splitshire: Delicious free stock photos.
- New Old Stock: Vintage photos from the public archives.
- Picjumbo: Totally free photos.
- Life of Pix: Free high-resolution photos.
- Gratisography: Free high-resolution photos.
- Getrefe: Free photos.
- IM Free: A curated collection of free resources.
- Cupcake: A photographer’s treat by Jonas Nilsson Lee.
- The Pattern Library: Free patterns for your projects.
- Public Domain Archive: New 100% free stock photos.
- ISO Republic: High-quality, free photos for creatives.
- Stokpic: Totally free photos.
- Kaboompics: The best way to get free photos.
- Function: Free photo packs.
- MMT: Free stock photos by Jeffrey Betts.
- Paul Jarvis: Free high-resolution photos.
- Raumrot: Free high-resolution picture.
- Bucketlistly: A free creative common collection of travel photos.
- Some more websites: Free Digital Photos |Morguefile | Public Domain Pictures | Stockvault | ImageFree | Rgbstock |Dreamstime | Free Images | Free Range Stock
- TypeGenius: Find the perfect font combo for your next project.
- Font Squirrel: 100% free commercial fonts.
- FontFaceNinja: Browser extension to find the web fonts a site uses.
- Google Fonts: Free, open-source fonts optimized for the web.
- Beautiful Web Type: Best typefaces from the Google web fonts directory.
- DaFont: Archive of freely downloadable fonts.
- 1001 Free Fonts: A huge selection of free fonts.
- Font-to-width: Fit pieces of text snugly within their containers.
- Fontello: Icon fonts generator.
- Flat Icon: A search engine for 16000+ glyph vector icons.
- Material Design Icons: 750 Free open-source glyphs by Google.
- Font Awesome: The iconic font and CSS toolkit.
- Glyphsearch: Search for icons from other icon databases.
- MakeAppIcon: Generate App Icons of all sizes with a click.
- Endless Icons: Free flat icons and creative stuff.
- Ico Moon: 4000+ free vector icons, icon generator.
- The Noun Project: Thousands of glyph icons from different artists.
- Perfect Icons: A social icon creation tool.
- Material Design Icons: 750 Free open-source glyphs by Google.
- Icon Finder: Free icon section of the website.
- Free Round Icons: Doodle Set | Flat Set | Vector Line Set
- Icon Sweets: 60 free vector Photoshop icons.
- UI Names: Generate random names for use in designs and mockups.
- UI Faces: Find and generate sample avatars for user interfaces.
- Copy Paste Character: Click to copy.
- Window Resizer: See how it looks on various screen resolutions.
Work & Productivity
- Noisli: Background noise & color generator.
- Noizio: Ambient sound equalizer for relax or productivity.
- Defonic: Combine the sounds of the world into a melody.
- Curated playlists by designers, for designers.
- Coffitivity: Stream the sounds of a coffee shop at work.
- Self Control: Mac: free application to help you avoid distracting websites.
- Cold Turkey: Windows: temporarily block yourself off of distracting websites.
- Milanote: The PERFECT tool for organizing creative projects into beautiful visual boards.
- Evernote: The workspace for your life’s work.
- Dropbox: Free space up to 2GB.
- Yanado: Tasks management inside Gmail.
- Wetransfer: Free transfer up to 2GB.
- Pocket: View later, put it in Pocket.
- Discover and create great lists.
- Trello: Keeps track of everything.
- Where Nomads at: Find digital nomads & travelers all around the world.
- Nomad Jobs: The best remote jobs at the best startups.
Discover & Learn
- Product Hunt: Curation of the best new products, every day.
- Angellist: Where the world meets startups.
- Beta List: Discover and get early access to tomorrow’s startups.
- Startups List: Collections of the best startups in different places.
- Erli Bird: Where great new products are born.
- Assembly: Co-create new ideas no matter where they are.
- CoFoundersLab: Find a co-founder in any city, any industry.
- Founder2be: Find a co-founder for your startup.
- Skillshare: Unlock your creativity with free online classes & projects.
- Khan Academy: Free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.
- Coursera: Free online classes from 80+ top universities & organizations.
- Codecademy: Learn to code interactively, for free.
- How to start a startup: As an Audio Podcast
- Startup Notes: Startup School invites amazing founders to tell their story.
- Startup Talks: A curated collection of startup related videos.
- Learn from successful entrepreneurs each week.
- Email1K: A free 30 day course to double your email list.
- Design for Hackers: 12 weeks of design learning, right in your inbox.
- Startup Digest: Personalized newsletter for all things startup in your area.
- Mattermark Daily: Curated newsletter from investors & founders.
- ChargeWhatYou’reWorth: Free course on charging what you’re worth.
- Product Psychology: Lessons on User Behavior.
- UX Newsletter: Tales of researching, designing, and building.
- Foundrs: Co-founder equity calculator.
- Ad Spend Calculator: Should my startup pay to advertise?
- HowMuchToMakeAnApp: Calculate the cost of a mobile application.
- Pitcherific: Pitcherific helps you create, train, and improve your pitch.
Courtesy : TheNextWeb

JV is the Founder of Digital Entrepinoy. He is a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship, personal development & internet marketing over the past eight years through self-education. His mission is to inspire millions of people to become online entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.
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