7 Job Interview Invisible Tricks Used to Test You

7 Job Interview Invisible Tricks Used to Test You

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If you’re going to the interview, chances are good that the person who’s interviewing you has already made up their mind about whether or not they want to hire you. They’ve done their research and know all about your past work experience and character traits—what it is that makes you a good fit for the job. But there’s one more thing they need to know: whether or not your personality will mesh well enough with theirs (and vice versa) so that both parties can be happy working together in an office environment. That leads us into our next topic: the 7 job interview invisible tricks.

Job Interview Invisible Tricks to Test You

The Coffee Test

Have you ever had the option to choose a coffee, tea, juice, soda, or water during a job interview? Yes, they are attempting to be courteous, but there can be another motive. When the interview is over, they are waiting to see what you’ll do with the cup.

Are you going to ask them what to do with the used cup or where to put it? Will you take it without being asked to the kitchen, wash it, and put it away? Or are you just going to leave it there for someone else to handle?

Trent Innes, managing director of Xero Australia, says that using this tactic helps him hire people with similar values. If a job applicant takes care of the used cup without prompting, then it means he or she has similar values to those you value in your employees.

Getting Candidates to Lower Their Guard

The first thing you need to do is get your candidate on their guard. This is not an easy feat, especially if you’re meeting the person for the first time and don’t know how they’ll react. You can try asking questions about themselves or their hobbies, but keep it short and sweet—you want them to feel like they could talk all day with someone who simply wants to hear their story while sipping coffee in a comfortable cafe.

The next step is making sure that everything feels honest and genuine in the way it comes across so that there are no surprises when interviewing him or her later on down the road (if ever). It’s also important not to mention salary or benefits during this initial conversation; let candidates do those things for themselves first before telling them what’s going on outside of work hours!

Your Interviewers Are Taking Mental Notes

If you’re like most people, the first thing that enters your mind when someone says “mental notes” is “the Truman Show.” But if you want to impress your interviewer and make a good impression on them, it’s important to keep this in mind: Your brain is constantly recording every detail about what goes on around you.

Your interviewer may not say anything about taking mental notes during the interview itself—but chances are they’ll be doing so anyway! Asking yourself whether or not this applies helps put things into perspective. If it does apply, then there’s no reason why we shouldn’t use our superior cognitive abilities at every opportunity provided by an intelligent individual who wants nothing more than for us to succeed.

Eye Contact

The next thing you can do is look at the interviewer in the eye when they’re speaking. This will make them feel more comfortable because it shows that you are listening to what they have to say, and also makes it seem like you’re interested in their answers.

When answering questions, don’t stare off into space or look away too much—you want your eyes focused on theirs!

Your Mannerisms

We know that your body language is key to how you present yourself to the interviewer. So, what’s in your way?

You’re not aware of it. If you’re feeling nervous or uncomfortable and can’t hide it, then the interviewer will pick up on it–and they’ll probably ask questions about why you feel this way.

Your mannerisms aren’t natural. Think about when someone says “I’m really good at [insert skill here].” If their hand goes up in the air without thinking about it, that’s an indication that they don’t really believe what they’re saying! And if their voice goes high-pitched when talking about something specific (like math), chances are very good that person doesn’t actually have much experience with numbers at all!

Small Talk

Small talk is a way to get to know the candidate and determine if they would be a good fit for your company. It can help you relax, feel more comfortable and find out if you are a good fit for the job.

Small talk also gives an interviewer an opportunity to get some information about what’s important in their life outside work, which may or may not be relevant to the position being discussed. For example: “Do you like music?” This question might lead into talking about bands that someone enjoys listening too (if it’s relevant), or even getting into why someone prefers one type of music over another (if it’s not).

The interview is almost always a loaded test.

The interview is almost always a loaded test.

If you’re being interviewed for a job, it’s because the interviewer wants to see if you are a good fit for their company and team, as well as whether or not your skills match their needs. They also want to see if they can trust and rely on your judgment during tough situations. That’s why most interviews are usually very structured: they have specific questions that must be answered in order for them to make an informed decision about who should get the job (or not).


The coffee test is a great way to get a sense of whether or not you and your interviewer are a good fit for each other. In this article, we’ve covered how interviewers use it and how to respond if you find yourself in their crosshairs. We hope that by reading about these job interview invisible tricks, we were able to help you improve your chances at landing that dream job!

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