Copywriting, like any other skill, takes work and practice. If you want to improve your copywriting skills, then the first thing that you should do is read more books about writing and marketing. The following are some of my favorite books about copywriting:
Conversion/ Direct Response
- The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: Joseph Sugarman
- The Copywriter’s Handbook: Robert Bly
- Breakthrough Advertising: Eugene Schwartz
- Cashvertising: Drew E. Whitman
- Exactly What to Say: Phil M Jones
- The Robert Collier Letter Book : Robert Collier
- The Boron Letters: Gary Halbert
- The 16‑Word Sales Letter: Evaldo Albuquerque
- The Ultimate Sales Letter: Dan Kennedy
- $100M Offers: Alex Hormozi
- Tested advertising methods: John Caples
- Words that Sell: Richard Bayan
- The Art of the Click: Glenn Fisher
- Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive: Robert Cialdini
- How to Write a Good Advertisement: Victor O. Schwab
- Exactly What to Say: Phil M Jones
- Triggers: Joseph Sugarman
- The Architecture of Persuasion: Michael Masterson
- Ogilvy On Advertising: David Ogilvy
- Is there any hope for advertising?: Howard Gossage
- Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: Luke Sullivan
- Made to Stick: Chip and Dan Heath
- The Copy Book: D&AD
- A Self-Help Guide for Copywriters: Dan Nelken
- The Advertising Concept Book: Pete Barry
- How To Get Into Advertising :Thomas Kemeny
- Chew with Your Mind Open: Cameron Day
- Advertising: Concept and Copy: George Felton
- Hegarty on Advertising: John Hegarty
- Baked In: Alex Bogusky and John Winsor
- Zag: The Number-one Strategy of High-performance Brands: Marty Neumeier
- Obviously Awesome: April Dunford
- Confessions of the Pricing Man: How Price Affects Everything: Hermann Simon
- Permission Marketing: Seth Godin
- Hello, My Name Is Awesome: Alexandra Watkins
- Marketing: a Love Story : Bernadette Jiwa
- The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Al Ries and Jack Trout
- Dotcom Secrets: Russell Brunson
- How to Get to the Top of Google: The Plain English Guide to SEO :Tim Kitchen
- This is Marketing: Seth Godin
- Great Leads: Michael Masterson
- Lingo: Jeffrey Shaw
- Age of propaganda: Anthony Pratkanis
- Building a StoryBrand: Donald Miller
- Perennial Seller : Ryan Holiday
- Outrageous Marketing: Scott Dikkers
- Steal Like an Artist: Austin Kleon
- The War of Art: Steven Pressfield
- Lateral thinking: Creativity Step by Step: Edward de Bono
- Creative Advertising: Mario Pricken
- Creativity, Inc: Amy Wallace and Edwin Catmull
- Where Good Ideas Come From: Steven Johnson
- Predatory Thinking: Dave Trott
- A More Beautiful Question: Warren Berger
- The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameron
- How Creativity Rules the World: Maria Brito
- How to catch the Big Idea: Ralf Langwost
- A Technique for Producing Ideas: James Webb Young
- Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent!): George Lois
- Alchemy: Rory Sutherland
Behavioral Psychology
- To Sell Is Human: Daniel H. Pink
- Evil by Design: Chris Nodder
- Contagious: Jonah Berger
- Predictably Irrational: Dan Ariely
- Influence: Robert Cialdini
- Pre‑Suasion: Robert Cialdini
- Drive: Daniel H. Pink
- Behave: Robert Sapolsky
- Hooked: Nir Eyal
- Thinking, Fast and Slow: Daniel Kahneman
- Storyworthy: Matthew Dicks
- The Elements of Style: William Strunk Jr.
- Bird by Bird: Anne Lamott
- On Writing: Stephen King
- The Comic Toolbox: How to be Funny Even If You’re Not: John Vorhaus
- Everybody Writes : Ann Handley
- Reading Like a Writer: Francine Prose
- Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting: Robert McKee
- Writing That Works: Kenneth Roman
- Save the Cat: Blake Snyder
- Strategic Writing for UX: Torrey Podmajersky
- Letting go of the words: Janice Redish
- Microcopy :The Complete Guide
- Don’t Make Me Think : Steve Krug
- Designing Voice User Interfaces: Cathy Pearl
- Writing Is Designing: Michael J. Metts
- Writing for Designers: Scott Kubie
- Conversational Design: Erika Hall
- Content Design: Sarah Richards
- 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know about People: Susan Weinschenk
Reading these books will improve your copywriting.
Reading is a great way to learn new skills, and it can also help you get better at what you do. You can pick up some new tricks from the best writers in the world, or just see how they approach their craft and try to emulate them.
We hope you have found this post informative, and that it helped you discover some of the best copywriting books out there. Don’t forget to check back on our site for more posts like this one!

JV is the Founder of Digital Entrepinoy. He is a dreamchaser who has gained a wealth of knowledge in entrepreneurship, personal development & internet marketing over the past eight years through self-education. His mission is to inspire millions of people to become online entrepreneurs by awakening their minds to their greatness that resides within them.